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Call for Abstracts is Open

24/08/2024 13:55

Don’t miss the opportunity to present your work at the 8th InterPore Brazil – 2025. Send your abstract!

Important: Registration will be free of charge for undergraduate, Master’s, and PhD students who present their work at the conference, either in the poster or oral session.

23/08/2024 06:11

The 8th Brazil Chapter InterPore Conference on Porous Media will take place on the main Campus of the Federal University of Santa Catarina – UFSC. At the heart of Santa Catarina island, the Reitor João David Ferreira Lima Campus, also known as Trindade Campus, is located a few kilometres from some important places in the city, such as the International Airport, the bus station, the downtown, and the main touristic see sights, like Lagoa da Conceição, beaches, and the historic iron bridge Hercílio Luz.

Holding the conference at the Trindade Campus is an opportunity for the participants to meet local researchers and visit laboratories focused on the study, application, and development of new porous materials, designed for the most varied purposes. UFSC’s laboratories from the Mechanical, Chemical, and Materials Engineering departments and courses develop porous materials based on ceramics, polymers, and metals, as well as biomaterials and membranes, for instance. Another important UFSC facility is the Geology Department, which has laboratories and research groups focused on studying aquifers and reservoir rocks.

Make time in your schedule from 11th  to 13th  August  2025 to attend the 8th Brazil Chapter InterPore Conference in Porous Media. Don’t miss this opportunity.

Confirmed Plenary Speakers

22/08/2024 15:11
1Dr Juliana Finoto Bueno


2Dr Santiago Drexler


3Dr Rodrigo Surmas


4Dr Paulo Cesar Philippi 


5Dr Eduardo Gildin
Texas A&M University


6Dr Amir Raoof
Utrecht University


7Dr Tannaz Pak
Teesside University


8Dr Veronica I. Marconi
Universidad Nacional
de Córdoba & CONICET

Keynote Talks

21/08/2024 15:30

1) Dr Juliana F. Bueno: “Pore scale projects portfolio overview in Equinor Brazil R&D”.

2) Dr Santiago Drexler: Soon.

3) Dr Rodrigo Surmas: “Advancing Reservoir Analysis: Applications of Digital Rock Physics in Relative Permeability Curve Challenges”.

4) Dr Paulo C. Philippi: “Lattice-Boltzmann models for immiscible fluids”.

5) Dr Eduardo Gildin: “Fast and Robust Data-driven subsurface simulation for leveraging decarbonization efforts in the Oil & Gas Industry”.

6) Dr Amir Raoof: Soon.

7) Dr Tannaz Pak: “Design considerations for dynamic fluid flow in porous media experiments using X-ray computed microtomography”.

8) Dr Veronica I. Marconi: “Soils-on-a-chip: Innovative Tools for Studying Microconfined Flagellar Motility of Soil Bacteria Used as Biofertilizers”.

08/08/2024 06:20

Pores are not just voids in materials; they play an important role in the micro and macroscopic world. Our goal is trying to understand them.

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